On 20.04.2023 I inaugurated my solo art exhibition called “Tierra fértil: entre diosas y mujeres” in one of the most important art galleries in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
In order to prepare this art exhibition and shape it, I created during 4 months a collection of divine women, beautiful women who love the sun/light/life and have confidence in themselves, awakened women that this earth needs so much, women who know that only in harmony and together with an authentic man can create a better world.
I enjoyed so much creating this collection and all this time, besides painting, I danced and I sang, I ate more vegetarian food, I lived much more self-aware, I healed myself of all kinds of fears and limiting beliefs and enjoyed who I am as a woman. I stayed in a beautiful apartment that I rented in Guadalajara, Mexico, with plenty of natural light and I enjoyed the whole process.
Painting this collection full of sensuality and femininity was for me like organising a retreat for myself.
I leave you here pictures of me with my paintings at different stages:
Besides the experience itself and the joy of sharing this experience with those invited to the exhibition, what I understood and what I want to leave behind is that:
-by loving ourselves we can love others,
-as drop by drop a lake is created, each of us has the power to change his/her life, to live with joy and to live beautifully,
-in order to live beautifully, we must forgive ourselves (and our ancestors who gave us the best they could),
-joy is not joy when it is not shared. We come here to leave a better world behind us.
I leave these thoughts here in Romanian, my native language:
Dincolo de experiența în sine și de bucuria de a împărtăși această experiență cu cei invitați la expoziție, ceea ce am înțeles și ceea ce vreau să las în urmă este gandul că:
-doar iubindu-ne pe noi înșine, îi putem iubi pe ceilalți,
-asa cum picătură cu picătură se creează un lac, fiecare dintre noi are puterea de a-și schimba viața, de a trăi cu bucurie și de a trăi frumos,
-pentru a trăi frumos, trebuie să ne iertăm pe noi înșine (și pe strămoșii noștri care ne-au dat tot ce au putut),
-bucuria nu este bucurie atunci când nu este împărtășită. Am venit aici pentru a lăsa o lume mai bună în urma noastră.
I feel honoured and blessed to be a woman in this life!
Thank you, Universe!
Thanks to everyone who understood who I am!
Here is an interview made exactly on the day of the inauguration, an interview full of emotions (which are not visible):